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What is Reiki?


Reiki (pronounced Ray-key) is a Japanese name consisting of 2 words Rei and Ki meaning spiritually guided life energy (commonly known as Universal Life Energy), an energy which animates us all and is found all around us. Reiki is a form of spiritual healing using “Universal Life Energy” channeled through the practitioner to the recipient.

What does Reiki do?


Reiki helps to harmonize body, mind and spirit for yourself or anyone you want to help.


Reiki – a powerful and gentle healer

  • Promotes natural self-healing

  • Balances the energies in the body

  • Balances the organs and glands

  • Strengthens the immune system

  • Treats symptoms and causes of illness

  • Relieves pain

  • Clears toxins

  • Adapts to the natural needs of the receiver

  • Enhances personal awareness

  • Relaxes and reduces stress

  • Promotes creativity

  • Releases blocked and suppressed feelings

  • Aids meditation and positive thinking

  • Heals holistically

Can Reiki heal me?


No promises can be made about the outcome of the use of Reiki (or any other healing system). It all depends on you, your intent, your background and the nature of your problem. Healing is a different experience and has different effects on every individual. A big step towards healing yourself is to actually realize your need for healing.

Here are some important questions to think about, reflect and answer them truthfully:

  • Do you want to become whole or do you simply want to have your problem go away?

  • Are you willing to make changes in your life that are necessary for your healing process?

  • Do you recognize any patterns in your life that block the flow of energy in your body?

  • Have you taken a serious look at your habits and patterns?

  • What are your eating habits?

  • Do you drink enough water?

  • If you are physically capable of doing so, do you exercise, even if it is no more than a walk around the block?

  • Do you blame others for your illness?

  • Are you holding old grudges?

  • Have you had this illness for a long time? Does it define who you are? Who would you be without it? Do you want to be without it?

OK now you have taken a first step, the next step could be to receive Reiki or even better do a Reiki course so you can help yourself.




Can Reiki be used on any illness?


Yes, Reiki can be used on any illness but this does not mean everyone will be healed using Reiki. Reiki will help restore the balance in the body and can relieve or even remove symptoms. Reiki has successfully been used on conditions such as reducing stress, relieving pain, headaches, stomach upsets, back problems, asthma – respiratory problems, PMT, menstrual problems, sinus, anxiety and many many more. Remember that you as an individual have to have the firm intention of getting well before any real healing can take place.

(Please observe that Reiki should never be used instead of medical treatment, it should be used as a compliment and a way to become and remain healthy.)


Can Reiki be used with other therapies?


Yes, it can be combined with other therapies very successfully. Reiki is completely safe and it activates natural healing energy within us. It will enhance the effects of other complementary healing arts such as massage, acupuncture, shiatsu, foot reflexology, aromatherapy, chiropractic, colour therapy, homeopathy and many others. Many practitioners of other modalities have reported that their work has intensified since learning Reiki.




Reiki energy transcends time and space and can be sent or transmitted any where in the world, to anyone at any time. I have been attuned, or empowered as an Usui Reiki Master and am thus able to use the symbol for distance healing. This symbol combined with other Reiki symbols faciliates an energy connection between us.

Reiki works from the outside in, addressing disturbances in the subtle energy bodies and moving into the physical body over a three day period. Reiki restores order and balance to the energy body. It calms the mind and stabilizes the emotions. Reiki is energy healing and not to be confused with spiritual healing.

Reiki energy naturally seeks out the disturbances in your energy body and works to restore balance and harmony in your energy landscape. A distance Reiki healing treatment is not done by phone, so there is no need to be distracted during the energy session. Please scroll down for more information.

Can Reiki be used on animals?


Reiki works just as well with animals. Horses, cats, dogs, birds and other animals have been given Reiki with good results. Many pets want to be in the same room if you are giving or receiving a Reiki treatment to someone else, just to be near the energy. Reiki energies can be sent to animals or one can actually put the hands on the body of the animal. You can even use Reiki on flowers, seeds, trees etc. (If one holds seeds in one hand and gives Reiki to the seeds they will grow better when planted.)

What will I feel or experience during a treatment?


Once again I will have to say that it differs from person to person and possibly also between different sessions.The energy flows wherever it is required (spiritually guided) and can normally be felt as a warm sensation or tingling in the body. Receiving Reiki is a very relaxing and soothing experience! Usually when receiving Reiki you will feel very relaxed and you may have a “floating” feeling. You may feel heat, a tingling or cold. These and other feelings come from what the Reiki energy is actually doing in and around your body i.e. adding energy, removing excess energy, balancing, removing blockages etc. It is also possible that you experience different emotions or thoughts you had forgotten might pop up. If they do you are probably supposed to learn something and release them. Some people receive insights on how to solve problems.

Remember that all healing starts a process of release, this could be emotions or even toxins in your body that you need to get rid of. You might initially even feel worse than before but this is soon passing. You can help your body by drinking lots of water.

What does a Distant Reiki treatment consist of?


Distant healing is when the practitioner sends Reiki energy of a distance to the receiver. It is the practitioners focus and intent to send the energy to another person that makes it work (a very simplified explanation). Some Reiki practitioners schedule the time when the session is to happen. Others will send the energy to be available when the receiver can or wants to receive it (based on intent again). Normally Reiki energy is sent to the person as such but it is also possible to send energy to specific problems or even events, past, present and future.

If you are scheduling a session try to aim for a time when you can be undisturbed and can relax. If I send you the energy for “downloading” when it suits you then just accept to receive the energies when it suits you best. You don’t have to lie down (there is always a risk of falling asleep). Sit comfortably and open your mind to receive the energies sent. It is your intent to receive the energies that will make them effective. You can use a statement like this if it helps you: “I accept any energies sent to me by Melissa. I only accept energies that are suitable and safe for me at this moment. I am grateful for any help that I can receive.” Use your own words! You can naturally add information if you want to target a specific problem.

Can children receive Reiki?


Yes, anyone can receive Reiki. A session for a child will normally be shorter than for an adult.

Are there any harmful side effects from Reiki?


There have been no reported cases of negative effects from Reiki. Some people have observed what at first appears to be negative effects. When the body is undergoing a healing process, there can be short term effects which cause some discomfort. People with a great deal of accumulated stress or emotional blocks can feel everything coming up at first with treatments as their body starts to process the effects of the Reiki.

How many treatments should I have?


There is not really a set number. Every person and his/her problem is different. Some people only require one or two sessions while others need several. If you are just interested in seeing what Reiki can do for you then just take one or two sessions. If you have a chronic problem you want to work with then make a plan. Suggestion: Start with one session per day for 4 days and then follow up with one session per week.

I feel better, can I stop using medications?


NO! Reiki should never be seen as a substitute for medical care. Reiki is a complementary therapy that can help your healing process and in many cases improve both your physical and mental health. Many doctors do not believe in alternative therapies and are very skeptical about their patients use of alternatives.








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