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Half hour Distance Reiki Session - $10


There are many reasons why you may want to recieve distance healing. Perhaps you are interstate; are unwell and not able to visit a practitioner in person; you would like the healing to be in conjunction with your own regular meditation practice. Distance healing is a wonderful healing experience and we offer these treatments for 30min and schedule them to suit your needs. You don’t even have to stop what you are doing during for the session to be effective.  

Some conditions require only one or two sessions, while other conditions require ongoing treatments. 


2 x Half hour Distance Reiki Session Bundle - $15



4 x Half hour Distance Reiki Session Bundle - $30



1hr Distance Reiki Session - $20


These sessions are conducted in exactly the same way as the Half Hour Sessions, with the only difference being that each distance healing session lasts about an 1 hour. This allows for more time to be spent on any areas that appear to be causing you discomfort or causing blockages and helping to clear and heal these areas.


2 x 1hr Distance Reiki Session Bundle - $35



4 x 1hr Distance Reiki Session Bundle - $60


Combo Reading and Reiki - $45



Why not combine an Angel Card reading and Reiki Treatment? Receive information and guidance from your Angels with a half-hour Reading and have any areas of concern or blockages raised during the reading healed with a half-hour reiki treatment straight after. Once the reading and treatment has been completed, the reading and any additional information from the Reiki treatment will be emailed to you.

Reiki Distance Treatment Options


Sessions can be booked for yourself, another person or an animal situated anywhere in the world. Distance healing can be sent to an event in the future, e.g., an important meeting, a job interview, an exam or a celebration. Healing can also be sent to the past. In addition to releasing stuck energies associated with a past trauma or event, healing of the past can open a person to greater healing in the present.


A specific day and time can be arranged, but it’s not necessary. The recipient of the healing does not need to be focused on the healing in order for the receive the benefit from the healing. Some people are most receptive when they’re asleep. The distance Reiki will be sent within four days after the request is made and payment is received.


Many clients like to book an intensive course of sessions for an initial period of 7 -14 days and then ‘booster sessions’ of one or two sessions per week over a longer period of time.


NOTE: Reiki is a complimentary therapy to, and NOT a replacement for, modern medical practice. 

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