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Interactive Reading Week 7th - 13th September 2015

This weeks Angel Guidance comes to you from the Daily Guidance from Your Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue. Choose one of the 3 cards you are drawn to below.

Card 1 - Ground Yourself. This card is a signal that your energy and attention need to be grounded. If you've been feeling spacey, confused, or forgetful, this card speaks to the reason. "Ungroundedness" means that your attention is directed up too high - as if you're not in your body. A balance is needed between a focus on spirit and a focus on Earth. You can ground yourself by walking barefoot on grass or soil, by eating foods from the ground like carrots or potatoes, by rubbing your bare feet, by touching a tree or plant, or by visualising roots coming from the bottom of your feet into the earth. Grounding will help you to better concentrate and focus, and will also increase your connections to the Angels.

Card 2 - See Only Love. The angels give you this card as a reminder to see yourself, others, and every situation through their eyes. When you focus on love, anything that’s unloving falls away. It’s like turning on a light to diminish the previous darkness. Call upon the angels whenever you need help to elevate your vision to a more loving vantage point. Look past the personalities and egos of others, and see the angel within them (the angels can help you with this if it seems difficult). Forgive. Release anger, hurt, or judgements to the angels. Affirm what you desire, instead of what you fear.

Card 3 - The Ocean - This card comes to you because of your connection with the ocean. It's a sign that you need to spend more time near the sea, perhaps during a vacation or as a home base. The angels will help with this endeavour if you ask and allow them to. The ocean air and water inspires and heals you.

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