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Interactive Reading Week 5th - 11th October 2015

This weeks Angel Guidance comes to you from the Messages from Your Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue. Choose one of the 3 cards you are drawn to below.

Card 1 - Athena - You have been afraid of your own power. You have worried that others would disapprove of you or leave you if you allowed you true power to shine. You have also been concerned that you may abuse your power and that your masculine energy would become unbalanced. Athena is here to reveal your power to you and others in a way that enhances your relationships, self-esteem and life purpose. You are not capable of abusing your power because your heart chakra had opened like a flower in full bloom. Think of a person whom you admire, who is both powerful and balanced in their masculine and feminine energies. Such power is beautiful. You are strong and powerful, the Angels and God need you to accept and reveal your power.

Card 2 - Azure - Yes, you will receive your wish. However, Divine timing means that patience and positive visualisation are needed right now. Ask the Angels to help with your faith so you don't slip into negativity. You can speed up the process of answered prayers by having more faith in their inevitability. Don't forget however, that doubts and worries about 'how' your prayers will be answered will slow them down. Although you may feel urgency or even panic about your prayers, please trust that the Angels are working nonstop behind the scenes to help you. Keep surrendering your worries and fears to God and the Angels. The more you can stay centered in faith, the more easily they can assist you.

Card 3 - Zanna – No matter what has happened in the past, your present and future are now safely protected by angels. Zanna is helping you to heal from past upsets or trauma. She is helping to heal your heart from worry or fear. She is here to help you release any self-sabotaging thoughts or behaviour. She is here, in other words, to help you enjoy a renewed sense of safety, and peace of mind. Zanna and the other angels stand guard around you, your home, your family, your vehicles, and your workplace. You can rest assured that no lower energies can permeate their protective field. They only allow the energy of love to enter wherever you or your loved ones reside. All expressions of fear are transmuted back to the field of illusions from whence they came. God and the angels ask that you relax and enjoy yourself, for your happiness brings a smile to Heaven.

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