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Interactive Reading Week 2nd - 8th November 2015

This weeks Angel Guidance comes to you from the Angel Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue. Choose one of the 3 cards you are drawn to below.

Card 1 - You Are Profoundly Clairvoyant. “Trust what you see in your mind’s eye as well as with your physical sight, for your spiritual vision helps you with healing, teaching, and guidance.” The angels send you this card to help you trust the visions you receive in your mind’s eye during dream time, as well as the signs that you physically see (such as recurring numbers, feathers, coins, flashes of light, and so forth). Since the creator is all-seeing, it stands to reason that you (and everyone else) would inherit the gift of spiritual sight. If your gift seems blocked, the cause may be a painful past experience that the angels can help you heal and release. Know that it is right for you to see clairvoyantly, as this blessing can be used to assist you with your healing and teaching work. Your clairvoyance also gives you continuous and accurate guidance, much like a GPS electronic map in a car that guides you to the right destination. Trust what you see!

Card 2 - Listen To Your Intuitive Feelings. “Your body is receiving accurate messages from the Divine.” Your angels want you to know that you’re always receiving Divine messages, even when you’re not noticing them. Most of these messages come through your physical and emotional senses, as your body is extremely sensitive to subtle energies. Sometimes you may not understand your feelings, yet they always have accurate, underlying wisdom. This card has shown up because you’ve already asked a question that your body has already answered through your emotional and physical feelings. You’re urged to trust your feelings, and act upon them without delay. Ask the angels to protect and guide you, which they do through your intuitive sensations. Know that it is impossible to be blocked from receiving angelic guidance. You’re always feeling and thinking, and those are two primary ways in which the angels give you messages.

Card 3 - Clear Yourself. “Ask the angels to release any toxic energies that you may have absorbed.” This card comes to you because the angels see that you’re carrying some lower energies. Because of your high sensitivity and compassion, you may have absorbed this negativity from other people’s fears. These toxic energies may have also sprung from your own past fears. Regardless of their material source, your angels want to help you clear your energy field. It’s a good idea to ask for angelic clearing whenever you’ve experienced harsh situations where arguing, intense competition, violence, or substance abuse has occurred. As a sensitive lightworker, you sometimes unwittingly carry others’ painful energy in a well-intentioned desire to be helpful (but please ask the angels to shoulder this pain from now on, as they’re equipped to handle its radioactive toxicity without harming themselves).

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