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Interactive Reading Week 12th - 18th October 2015

This weeks Angel Guidance comes to you from the Fairy Tarot Cards by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine. Choose one of the 3 cards you are drawn to below.

Card 1 - Six of Summer. Ah, the magic of childhood! When seen through the eyes of a child, the world abounds with joyful and amazing moments. This card asks you to get in touch with that bright outlook that still lives within you. Memories or people from your past can re-emerge in your life, bringing enchanting surprises with them! Experiences from childhood or younger days may unexpectedly provide inspiration for your current situation. Think back to times in your life that are similar to what you’re facing now. Make notes about how you handled those events and how you might apply what you learned to the present. Take special care to see the past accurately, without putting a positive or negative spin on it.

Card 2 - Four of Winter. There’s a great power in quieting your mind through meditation or taking a break. Solutions that previously eluded you because you overthought them can suddenly become crystal clear. If you’re facing a challenge at this time, take this card as your sign that you need to stop and think about it for now. Focus upon something else, or take steps to defuse a troubling situation or clear pent-up emotions. Healthy sleep is critical for a happy life. It allows the mind to rest and rejuvenate so that your waking hours are more productive and filled with optimism! Show your body the love it deserves by providing it with the time it needs to recuperate. Seek out ways to counteract stress.

Card 3 - Prince of Summer. This charmer may be a Prince, but he is truly the king of romance! Utterly in love with love, he can zoom in and have your heart fluttering in the blink of an eye! He is refined, artistic, and introspective, as well as dreamy and possibly a bit melodramatic. A hopeless flirt, he will read you poetry while looking deep into your eyes. In his eyes, he really is generous and quite tender-hearted. His focus is on you and you alone… until it isn’t. And therein lies the problem. He is the Prince of Summer – and ooh, you’ll be so happy for a time. Maybe forever! (Maybe…) Just keep in mind that this Prince is known for having the wandering eye. And he likes to spread happiness around. So be very cautious!

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